Mo-Fr 8:00–17:00
Break: 13:00–14:00
+375 1632 34178
+375 1632 34296
+375 1632 34483
26, Gorin-Kolyada St.,
Brest region, Pruzhany,
Belarus, 224145
cheese «ORIGINAL»
cheese «MOLITER»
cheese «STATUS»
cheese «TALER»
cheese «BENUA»
cheese «SHEDEVR»
cheese «STELLAR»
cheese «MAASDAM»
cheese «SOLIDO»
cheese «PREMIER»

Премиум сыры

cheese «ORIGINAL»
Cheese section of

«ORIGINAL»cheese is a true seignior that occupies a place of honor in the line of ‘VAN GOLD’ cheeses. It is luxury and the highest quality, refinement and elegance, harmony of youth and wisdom. It is a mature cheese with a deep and rich flavor and with a spicy aftertaste.

Its texture is hard, but pleasantly brittle. «ORIGINAL» is made with the use of the original Italian technology from selected milk of exceptionally high quality. Served with a glass of gourmet wine, ‘PARMIGIANO’ will deservedly adorn the holiday table. Rich in vitamins and mineral compounds, it is well digestible and a valuable source of concentrated protein. Season salad with «ORIGINAL», add it to pasta and pizza, make your dishes more sophisticated and delicate.

Nutritional information per 100 g of the product: proteins – 27.2, fat – 26.6 g. Energy value per 100 g of the product: 348 kcal.

Tagliatelle with shrimp and zucchini in a creamy tomato sauce
Tagliatelle with shrimp and zucchini in a creamy tomato sauce Cheese VAN GOLD «ORIGINAL» (grated) - 50 g Pasta tagliatelle - 200 g Tiger prawns - 10 pcs. Zucchini - '60 Cherry tomatoes - '60 Shallots - '13 Garlic - 1 clove Thyme - 1 Year -s Cream 10% - 200 ml. Parsley - 3 years Tomatoes in own juice - '60 Dry white wine - 50 ml. Olive oil - 30 ml.
Pizza «Pepperoni» sweet peppers
Пицца «Pepperoni» сладким перцем · сыр VAN GOLD «ORIGINAL» (тёртый) - 100 г. · Бекон - 125 г. · Сладкий перец -1 шт. · Соль - (морская, по вкусу) · …
Pasta alla carbonara
• cheese VAN GOLD «ORIGINAL» (grated) 150 g • Spaghetti 400 g • Black pepper (ground, to taste) • Salt (sea, to taste) • Garlic (2 large cloves) • Ham 300g • Olive oil 6 tablespoons. l. • Egg yolks 4 pcs. • Cream 10% -s' 200 ml.
Salad "Caesar" from Jamie Oliver
Salad 'Caesar' from Jamie Oliver • cheese VAN GOLD «PARMIGIANO» (for sprinkling) 50 g • Black pepper (ground, to taste) • Salt (sea, to taste) • Garlic (2 large cloves) • Lemon juice 0.5 pc • Olive oil 3-4 tablespoons. l. • Sour cream (20% fat) 2 tbsp. l. • Anchovies 1 piece • Lettuce (2-3 beam (lettuce variety depends on the season)) • Chicken (better thigh) 300 g • Bread (white for the toast (a few pieces))
cheese «MOLITER»
Cheese section of

Если подумать, кем может гордиться семья сыров «VAN GOLD», то почему бы не «VILLAGIO»? Это полутвёрдый сыр, щелевидные глазки которого неравномерно усеяли золотисто-жёлтое сырное тесто.

Над рецептурой «VAN GOLD «VILLAGIO» мастера-сыроделы работали долгое время, в течении которого вкус становился совершеннее и изысканней. В результате достигли нежно-сливочного вкуса, с ароматом топлёного молока.

«VAN GOLD «VILLAGIO» совершенно нежнейший сыр. Его рекомендуется использовать как для приготовления сладких сэндвичей и десертов, наподобие сырной панна-котты, так и для дополнения копчёностей и красной рыбы. Удивите своих близких, «VAN GOLD «VILLAGIO» никого не оставит равнодушным!

Пищевая ценность на 100 г продукта: белки – 27,2 г., жиры – 26,6 г. Энергетическая ценность на 100 г. продукта – 348 кrал (1500 кДж)

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cheese «STATUS»
Cheese section of


(180) 6 мес - Роскошь и высочайшее качество, изысканность и элегантность - это все об этом сыре.  Будь то в ассортименте сырной нарезки, либо в кулинарном рецепте, VAN GOLD STATUS незаменим  на Вашем столе к большому удовольствию всей семьи и гостей!

Яркий вкус, чарующий аромат, пикантная остринка  - все это собрано в нашем сыре VAN GOLD STATUS . Уникальная рецептура производства была разработана Пружанскими специалистами.

Это зрелый сыр, обладающий глубоким и насыщенным вкусом, с пикантным послевкусием. Текстура одновременно и твёрдая, и приятно ломкая, это достигнуто длительным сроком созревания сыра. Бесспорно, STATUS понравится любителям насыщенного аромата и изысканного вкуса, который по достоинству будет оценен знатоками-гурманами.

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Cheese section of


(550) 1,5 года- сыр для настоящих гурманов, его нужно смаковать, наслаждаясь вкусом.

Как и положено сырам с длительным сроком созревания, он отличается более насыщенным вкусом, имеет неповторимый пряный аромат. Консистенция его настолько плотная,  что его можно ломать на кусочки.

Наслаждаться сыром «VAN GOLD GRANO PRUGIANO» можно в паре с фруктами и медом, а также применять  в самых разнообразных блюдах.


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cheese «TALER»
Cheese section of

You can consider yourself a true gourmet, if the taste and aroma of ‘VAN GOLD «TALER» cheese strikes your fancy. The taste is difficult to describe: delicate, fruity, slightly nutty, subtly sweet, with fine bitterness and a slight aftertaste of herbs. Its elastic creamy pulp is champagne-colored and decorated with holes of right round shape.

Produced with the use of the unique Swiss technology, ‘VAN GOLD «TALER» is excellently suited for baking, giving the refined taste to any dish - from julienne to roast meat. It can perfectly be used as a dessert or snack with any light young wine.

The high quality of the food is the high quality of life. Ready to make friends with «TALER» cheese? With it, you will be calm and confident of the premium quality of the dishes on your table.

Nutritional information per 100 g of the product: proteins – 21.8, fat – 28.6 g. Energy value per 100 g of the product: 345 kcal.

Sandwich of cheese with fenugreek and beetroot
• Cheese VAN GOLD «TALER» 250 g • Baguette 1 pc. • A small head iceberg lettuce 1 pc. • Small pieces of boiled beets 12 pcs. • Green vanograd 12 pcs. • Toothpicks 12 pcs.
Baked cabbage and mushrooms
Baked cabbage and mushrooms • Cheese VAN GOLD «TALER» 120 g • Cabbage 1 kg. • Mushrooms (a mixture of wood) 400 g • Onion 1 pc. • Sour cream 300 ml • Wheat flour 1 tbsp. l. • Vegetable oil (1 tbsp. L. To lubricate form 2 tbsp. L. For frying) 3 tbsp. l. • Salt to taste
Dauphine Potatoes, baked with cheese
Dauphine Potatoes, baked with cheese • Cheese VAN GOLD «TALER» 200 g • Potatoes 1 kg. • Eggs 1 pc. • Milk 1 tbsp. • Garlic 1 clove • Butter 50 oz. • Ground black pepper to taste
Universal appetizer of cheese and nuts
Universal appetizer of cheese and nuts • Cheese VAN GOLD «TALER» 300 g • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds) 300 g • Seasoning (any, is your favorite: Dried basil, rosemary, coriander, chili pepper to taste
cheese «BENUA»
Cheese section of

Cheese, which can not be left without attention — cheese «VAN GOLD« BENUA ». The distinctive feature of this product is a very dense and uniform consistency. The taste is intense, a complex bouquet with nutty notes appears.

The production process is adjusted every minute. Exceptionally fresh milk that has undergone careful laboratory testing is allowed for production. And then begins the magic process of turning milk into cheese „BENUA“ — the highest class of cheese-makers.

Thanks to the characteristic, but not drowning out other ingredients, «VAN GOLD» BENUA «is considered one of the most suitable cheeses for baking. Uncover the true taste and aroma of the cheese masterpiece in combination with meat, vegetables, also adding to the first dishes, pasta and salads.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product: proteins — 26 g, fat — 29 g. Energy value per 100 g of product — 370 krals (1520 kJ)

Canadian sandwich
Canadian sandwich • VAN GOLD cheese "BENUA" 150 g. • Garlic 2 tooth. • Mayonnaise 100 g • Borodino bread 100 g. • Sprats 100 g. • Lemon 2 pcs. • Pickled cucumber 2 pcs.
Prunes stuffed with cheese and garlic
Prunes stuffed with cheese and garlic • VAN GOLD cheese BENUA 200 g. • Prunes 150 g. • Garlic with 2 cloves. • walnut 1/3 tbsp. • Sour cream 300 ml • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp. l.
Salad with melon, Parma ham and cheese
Salad with melon, Parma ham and cheese • VAN GOLD cheese "BENUA" 150 g. • Asparagus 100 g • Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. l. • Olive oil 5 tbsp. l. • Rukola 120 grams • Ham Parma 200 g • Mint to taste • Basil 2 branches • Salt to taste • Pepper to taste
cheese «SHEDEVR»
Cheese section of


(365) 1 год   обладает плотной текстурой цвета слоновой кости, имеет сухую консистенцию и легко крошится.

Вкус выразительный, но при этом умеренно острый; чуть солоноватый.

Хорош как сам по себе, так и в сырной тарелке, в сочетании с мёдом, джемом, орехами и даже шоколадом. В качестве сопровождения стоит выбрать выдержанное красное вино.


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cheese «STELLAR»
Cheese section of

«STELLAR» is the pride and legacy of the line of ‘VAN GOLD’ cheeses. Features of the cheese include a pale yellow color, quite dense and elastic aromatic pulp with small round holes. It has soft and delicate flavor combining fruit motifs, nutty tones and subtle hint of the smell of freshly cut grass.

The recipe for the composition and production technology of 'VAN GOLD «STELLAR» is kept secret. Cheese-making process is necessary to carry out with love - only then the taste is ‘right'. Even the most rock-ribbed skeptic will hardly dare to argue with that ... «STELLAR» can fit any menu. It combines perfectly with rye bread and is suitable for salads. Sauces and cream soups with it acquire a delicious taste! Remember about «STELLAR» cheese and amaze your loved ones with culinary masterpieces!

Nutritional information per 100 g of the product: proteins – 21.8, fat – 29.0 g. Energy value per 100 g of the product: 348 kcal.

Panini with ham and cheese
Panini with ham and cheese • Cheese VAN GOLD «STELLAR» 2 slices. • Paprika to taste • Basil 4 pieces • 2 slices white bread • 2 slices of ham • Salt to taste • Ground black pepper to taste
Loranskaya pie with chicken and mushrooms
Loranskaya pie with chicken and mushrooms • Cheese VAN GOLD «STELLAR» 180 g • Chicken fillet 300 grams • Mushrooms 300 g • Water 3 Years • 50 g of butter • Wheat Flour 200 gr. • Salt 0.5 h. L. • Cream of 20% 170 ml. • Spices to taste • Onion 1 pc. • Eggs 2 pcs.
Potatoes baked in their skins
Potatoes baked in their skins • cheese VAN GOLD «STELLAR» 200 g • Bacon 4 pcs. • Potatoes 4 pcs. • Garlic 4 cloves • 100 g butter • Sour cream 2 tbsp. l. • pinch salt • Freshly ground black pepper pinch • Green onion to taste • Dill to taste
A classic quiche Lorraine
A classic quiche Lorraine • cheese VAN GOLD «STELLAR» '75 • Bacon 200 g • Wheat flour 175 g • pinch salt • pinch of nutmeg • Eggs 3 pc. • Egg yolk 1 pc. • Cream 35% -s' • Butter 100g. • Sour cream 200 ml. • Water 4 tbsp. l .
cheese «MAASDAM»
Cheese section of

«MAASDAM» is one of the most popular and sought-after ‘VAN GOLD’ cheeses. Pale yellow color of the cheese dough and large globular holes will unquestionably draw your attention. Its taste is sweet and nutty, with a delicate fruity aroma.

A healthy and useful product, «MAASDAM» is recommended for dietary nutrition. The cheese was first produced in the 14th century in the eponymous Dutch town. The company’s specialists succeeded in adapting the technology, while preserving the best traditions of cheese-making production of this masterpiece.

Spoil your loved ones. Pasta, your favorite desserts, potatoes with «MAASDAM» cheese will transform into exquisite delicacies.

Nutritional information per 100 g of the product: proteins – 23.0, fat – 25.0 g. Energy value per 100 g of the product: 324 kcal.

Cannelloni stuffed with meat under bechamel sauce
• Cheese VAN GOLD «MAASDAM» 150 gr. • Stuffing 500g. Pasta cannelloni • 15 pcs. • Tomatoes 500 gr. • Onions 1 head • Garlic 3 cloves. • Salt to taste • Ground black pepper to taste • 50 g of butter • Wheat flour 3 tbsp. l. • Milk 1 liter.
Chicken "Picasso"
• Cheese VAN GOLD «MAASDAM» 120 gr. • Chicken gurdka 4 pcs. • Onions 2 pcs. • Sweet peppers 3 pcs. • Garlic 3 cloves • Tomatoes 4 pieces. • Vegetable bouillon cube 1 pc. • A mixture of Italian herbs 1 tbsp. l. • Water Article 0.5. • Cream 0.5 Art. • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l. • pinch of nutmeg • Salt to taste • Butter 1 tbsp. l. • Ground black pepper to taste
Greek pie with meat
Greek pie with meat • Cheese VAN GOLD «MAASDAM» 300 gr. • Stuffing 500g. • puff pastry 1 kg. • Cheese cheese 300g. • 1 bunch dill • 1 bunch of parsley. • Green onions 1 bunch. • Onions 2 heads • Eggs 2 pcs.
Crispy potato, baked with mushrooms
Crispy potato, baked with mushrooms • Cheese VAN GOLD «MAASDAM» 120 gr. • Potatoes 300 gr. • Onions 2 pcs. • Fresh mushrooms 500g. • Sour cream 1 tbsp. l. • Eggs 1 pc. • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp. l.
cheese «SOLIDO»
Cheese section of


(270)  У 9-месячного «VAN GOLD SOLIDO» твердая, зернистая, немного крошащаяся консистенция. Насыщенный, выразительный, пряный аромат с кисломолочными нюансами. Цвет стандартный, не слишком светлый, но и не слишком темный, кремовый. Вкус яркий, насыщенный, пряный, немного пикантный, с лёгкими ореховыми нюансами. Солёность умеренная — оптимальная. Послевкусие длительное.

Им можно наслаждаться  «в чистом виде», выкладывать   в составе сырной тарелки , добавлять в салаты и разные горячие блюда, пасту.


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cheese «PREMIER»
Cheese section of

«PREMIER» cheese occupies a special position in the line of ‘VAN GOLD’ cheeses. Fenugreek seeds, richly studded across the cheese dough, resemble virtuosic creation of a jeweler. It enjoys a special honor and love, it is highly valued for gentle and, at the same time, very rich walnut flavor.

Fenugreek seeds contained in «PREMIER» cheese normalize the activity of nervous system and improve the functioning of brain, which in turn allows you to get rid of insomnia, as well as to increase resistance to stress. They possess the ability to recover after physical exercise. It is recommended to use while playing sport.

Start your morning with a cup of invigorating coffee in combination with «PREMIER» cheese slices, get inspiration and energy for the whole day.

Nutritional information per 100 g of the product: proteins – 21.8, fat – 28.6 g. Energy value per 100 g of the product: 345 kcal.

Classic French Omelet with cheese
Classic French Omelet with cheese • Cheese VAN GOLD «PREMIER» '50 • Eggs 3 pc. • Milk for 1 hour. L. • Butter 20 g. • Ground black pepper to taste • Salt to taste
Muffins with cheese
Muffins with cheese • Cheese VAN GOLD «PREMIER» 250 g • Garlic 2 cloves. • Wheat flour 400g • Eggs 2 pcs. • Sugar 1 tsp • Parsley to taste • 1 cup of milk • 50 g of butter • Baking powder 1 tsp • ½ teaspoon salt
Cheese Fondue
cheese Fondue • Cheese VAN GOLD «PREMIER» 500 g • Garlic 2 cloves. • Dry white wine 300 ml. • Sugar 1 tsp • Cream 30% -s' 200 ml. • Starch 2 tsp • Nutmeg pinch • French baguette 1 pc. • Ground black pepper to taste • Salt to taste
JSC "Pruzhany Dairy Plant"
26, Gorin-Kolyada St., Brest region,
Pruzhany, Belarus, 225133
PAN 200027027
8 (10 375) 1632 21350
8 (10 375) 1632 90296